BrumTogether Woodcraft Folk

Active Travel Fair comes to Kings Heath

12 to 5pm Sunday 18th July, York Road Keen to cycle, walk or scoot but unsure how to start? Maybe you can’t figure out how to transport your kids, pets or shopping? Perhaps you’re nervous of the roads or feel cycling isn’t accessible to you? At the free Kings Heath Active Travel Fair, from 12-5pm […]

BrumTogether Reports

Tolkein’s World on Environment Day

I hope to take you on an adventure, like no other, oh local people of Birmingham,  on a beautiful day. I, Toqueer, along with Marcus from the Active Wellbeing Society, started our adventure from the Springfield project, where we saw green shoots beginning to grow from their garden’s pace. Spring is here, we smile. As […]

BrumTogether Reports

One thing leads to another

‘I put a stake in for (a hazel tree) and it said ‘One thing leads to another’ on the stake, in an upward spiral. […] You add something, you can do just very small things, but they’re positive actions and they don’t tend to lead to a negative action, they tend to lead to something […]

BrumTogether Community Conversations Heritage Reports

Why Trees have popped up

On facebook a question came up: Can anybody fill me in with the Christmas trees that have popped up on Druids Heath? I’d helped plant the trees, as part of the Social Able project in Druids Heath – led by Jayne Murray from Place Prospectors Funded by The National Lottery: ‘ resident had said, ‘How […]

Community Conversations Reports Woodcraft Folk

LTN Lowdown

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) are simple, cheap, temporary and adaptable means to control traffic. Where they are and the way they are introduced has a big impact on how well they work, but for years they have been doing exactly what they’re supposed to do – reduce traffic and traffic speeds, reduce air and noise […]

Woodcraft Folk

All Things Leafy

Using leaves you find in the garden, parks or on the way home from school, let your imagination run wild! You can stay outdoors and use what you find to make some stunning land art, either on a small scale, or as big as you like – check out Dream Big at Home. Hapa zome […]

Woodcraft Folk

Making Willow Stars

Willow stars, wands and hearts are easy shapes to make, and willow is easy to find and can be used straight off the bush in winter. A willow star can take five minutes to do, and once you’ve got confident to bend willow to whatever shape you like you can create larger shapes like chrstmas […]

BrumTogether Reports Woodcraft Folk

Will Cones, Bollards and Planters Save our Children?

Kings Heath Low Traffic Neighbourhood has started, but as cones are replaced by more fixed bollards, will LTN bring us closer together? Last week I walked along Howard Road to admire the new planters. As I passed Colmore Road, one resident returned the missing cone to the middle of the road to prevent cars from […]

BrumTogether Woodcraft Folk

Hear Young People, Feed Brum

There are hundreds of people in Birmingham who aren’t as lucky as us to have a home to go to tonight. Instead, they will be in hostels, squatting or on the streets with little access to food. Let’s Feed Brum. A simple aspiration. For Woodcraft Folk Venturers, a group of of ten to twenty young […]

Heritage Reports

Living in unprecedented times again

How many times have we heard that we are ‘living in unprecedented times’ to sum up our experiences living in a ‘COVID-19’ world?  How has our world been changed?  What can we learn from our past?   For our 2020 summer holiday during COVID-19 pandemic, we stayed at Black Bush House – an eighteenth century ‘Pest […]