We may be in Lockdown, but in true Woodcraft Folk Style, that doesn’t stop us sharing, keeping in touch, supporting each other and spanning the world with Friendship!
Woodcraft Groups may not be returning indoors until the New Year, so we’ve made a plan to keep working together through to the end of December. Many of the activities are to do in families working across all the Woodcraft groups. We encourage you to share photos to your Woodcraft Group WhatsApp and if you are happy to, on our private facebook group too! Be aware that any photos/films you share must have consent of everyone on them to share to our site – best not in your bedroom and avoid things that might too easily identify where you, or anyone else lives, like the number on your front door.
We’d love to hear more of your ideas – plans below are based on your ideas so far. We’d love to hear more ideas/links you find on here and on your WhatsApp Groups.
12th November – All things leafy
Using leaves you find in the garden, parks or on the way home from school, let your imagination run wild! We’ve linked some ideas for you which may help.
19th November Write for Rights
What do you want to change about where you live? What is good about where you live? Take positive action by writing to your MP/Councillor/ Headteacher/ PM/ Queen about the change you would like to see. Share photos of the best and worst about your neighbourhood and imagine what it could be like.
27th November Sleepout at Home for St. Basil’s Young Homeless
Our annual fundraising event, this year in your gardens, or even camp out in your front room! Make your own cardboard shelter and share photos. There is a programme of entertainment provided from St. Basils on the link above.
3rd December Willow stars, nature sculpture and seasonal decorations
Making decorations and whatever you like using natural materials – We’d love to see what you can do. Link is for Willow craft. If you’re having trouble finding willow, twigs or other materials to do this, let me know and we could make a special delivery.
10th December Window Trail
You can’t enter a house under lockdown, but you can make your own trail to other house window displays, and let fellow woodcrafters know to visit yours!
17th Xmas Extravaganza
Details TBC, but likely to include making bizarre and/or stylish up-cycled / recycled outfit and a KH&M Woodcraft Quiz, questions and challenges to be set by young people.
We’re also looking at:
- Random Acts of Kindness (KH Rocks) in Highbury Park & KHCC Garden
- Bling your Bike weekend in Highbury Park TBC
For more ideas and activities see ‘Dream Big at Home Woodcraft Folk Central.
We will send reminders through woodcraft folk WhatsApps and we will updating this page. There are no subs for this half of term, but if you haven’t already paid for last half term and can, please do.