BrumTogether Heritage

Birmingham Libraries – Thriller or Fantasy?

Birmingham’s botched consultation over Library Services has sparked outrage, proposing massive cuts in services and a vague move to voluntary sector/ volunteer led services. However, reading top lines of Birmingham Council Literature you’d be forgiven for thinking the ‘revamp’ or ‘reset’ was a well considered, much needed move from decrepit libraries to a modern service […]

BrumTogether Community Conversations Heritage Reports

Why Trees have popped up

On facebook a question came up: Can anybody fill me in with the Christmas trees that have popped up on Druids Heath? I’d helped plant the trees, as part of the Social Able project in Druids Heath – led by Jayne Murray from Place Prospectors Funded by The National Lottery: ‘ resident had said, ‘How […]

Heritage Reports

Living in unprecedented times again

How many times have we heard that we are ‘living in unprecedented times’ to sum up our experiences living in a ‘COVID-19’ world?  How has our world been changed?  What can we learn from our past?   For our 2020 summer holiday during COVID-19 pandemic, we stayed at Black Bush House – an eighteenth century ‘Pest […]