Working on Swan Corner’s been great to get to know neighbours. You get to see people, chat, see the problems, why people get so upset about the traffic and the parking.
Now that work has started on planting, positioned a noticeboard, begun filming, photoing, documenting the area and the problems, talking to more people, it feels like we are in a position to make positive change in our area.
The next meeting (25th March) we are expecting Police representation, councillors, representatives from local groups like KH DIY streets (Sustrans) and more residents and others interested in the changes we are making. We have support from a range of local groups (KH Residents Forum, Swanshurst, Billesley Pub, Moseley in Bloom, Sustrans, KHCSE, BOSF, Near Neighbours, BCC), and a number of possibilities to work on. The project working with Swanshurst I think is particularly exciting – opening up conversations which have been difficult particularly as parking at school pick up and drop off is tense and problematic.
If you see me, or anyone, on Swan Corner, please pop over, say hello – any suggestions or help welcomed!

2 replies on “Noticeboard planted”
Noticeboard planted #swancorner thanks @gmjwoodcarving @SpaceExplorers @fairbrum http://t.co/eItsZq4bnr
MT @MarcusBelben: Noticeboard planted #swancorner thanks @gmjwoodcarving #ubgreen @greenimpact @johncoup http://t.co/bugTd0Iv6H