OK, so you’re interested in playing out. What next? Well it’s remarkably easy, and following the last two years of ‘Playing out’ in Birmingham we’ve built a lot of support within the Council, across Moseley and Kings Heath, and across Birmingham. There are a few simple steps to follow, and we will support you to […]
Category: Playing Out
Before Active Streets there was…Playing Out! How it all began in Birmingham
Who’s coming out to play?

We’ve supported the Moseley and Kings Heath Playing Out group to open streets for play on National Play Day with great success for the last two years and we’ll be doing that again in 2015, but what we’d really like to see is residential streets across Birmingham closing to motor traffic and opening for play […]
Six streets across Kings Heath and Moseley will be ‘Playing out’ on National playday, Wednesday 6th August 2014. They are: Gaddesby Road 10am to 1pm Goldsmith Road 2pm to 6pm Peacock Road 10am to 1pm Wheelers Lane 10am to 1pm Woodville Road 2pm to 4pm Valentine Road 1pm to 3pm Highway engineers have already confirmed […]
Playing out – Call to Arms
Kings Heath Centre for Space Exploration is once again coordinating efforts to organise a series of Playing out events for National Playday on 6th August 2014. In 2014 we are looking to double the number of streets closed to traffic, open to play, from 3 last year, to more than 6 this year. Happening, as it does, two […]
It was a rainy day, but didn’t dampen resolve on Kings Heath Square to close more streets next year and open them for play. We were well supported by Parks for Play and Hall Green Arts, providing a range of creative activities, and two previous street coordinators were there to answer questions over a cuppa […]
Playing Out good news!
There’s lots of good news on the Playing Out events being planned for Wednesday 7 August on Albert Road and Goldsmith Road in Kings Heath. Birmingham City Council, are waiving road closure fees and Public Liability Insurance is being covered by the Police. Also there has been an offer of a music practitioner from Hall […]
Playing Out Video
A great video showing explaining the Playing Out idea in action!
Playing out in Birmingham
The Kings Heath Centre for Space Exploration is coordinating efforts to organise one or more ‘Playing Out‘ events for National Play Day, which is Wednesday 7 August 2013. “Playing Out” is after-school street play led by neighbours for neighbours and only publicised within the immediate streets. Residents close their road to traffic for a couple of hours, […]