Birmingham’s botched consultation over Library Services has sparked outrage, proposing massive cuts in services and a vague move to voluntary sector/ volunteer led services. However, reading top lines of Birmingham Council Literature you’d be forgiven for thinking the ‘revamp’ or ‘reset’ was a well considered, much needed move from decrepit libraries to a modern service better meeting the needs of citizens (by making massive cuts to opening hours and libraries).
And yet…well, to be honest, every source, including previous consultations and research in Birmingham, and by our Council, demonstrates libraries being well used, value for money, shrinking the economy and preventing huge public sector costs in the Council, NHS, and every government department. I did try to find reasonable research to counter the vast quantities of research demonstrating the value of libraries and could only really find unsupported statements from within BCC’s 2024 Consultation which implied, or perhaps led you to another conclusion.
Early versions of the consultation had snagging problems with spelling and general readability, and even notes left to give you some idea of the author’s bias, looking for ‘ideas to attack use of libraries’:

The consultation felt so biased, you couldn’t help the anger rising as you spent an hour or two on what felt like a bogus exercise.
“We build upon the modernising journey that the City started in 2017 for our Library Services, with a strong focus on citizen outcomes. However, to ensure the Council has a sustainable future we will need to consider efficiency and cost reduction options, whilst delivering a thriving, modern Library Service.”
From BCC Consultation 2024
“We didn’t know that “modernising journey” was code for “continued cuts and austerity”. We do not understand how “cost reduction options” can deliver thriving public services. It’s this constant doublespeak that makes reading these documents so frustrating.
Birmingham Loves Libraries
So the consultation is now over, but actually the City Council unusually decided to implement cuts (one day of closure to most libraries across Birmingham) before the end date of the consultation.
Bizarrely Tory Councillor Robert Alden (you know, one of the Aldens who helped build Tory City Council Leader Mike Whitby’s vanity project, The Library of Birmingham in 2012 leading to library staff losses when the figures didn’t add up) questions the council’s good faith, calling the consultation a “tick-box exercise.” fearing his ‘beloved libraries, vital to many residents, will be sacrificed’.
So who dunnit? Is it Michael Gove’s Tory henchmen trying to hide tracks to why ‘Oracle’ IT was chosen, and punish a staunchly Labour Council? Is it the Labour Council itself sacrificing services in some kind of civil war? Is it incompetence within the City Council Civil Service leading to poor decisions?
Last week People’s Heritage Co-operative screened a film at Stirchley Library talking to people who want to ‘Save our Libraries‘. One participant noted the project screen was placed firmly between ‘Fantasy and Thriller’ sections.
We were sat in a perfect example of a ‘Carnegie’ Library, built over 100 years ago in the hey day of the ‘Public Library’ movement. Then, as now, the value of Public Libraries was widely recognised and good for everyone (even if you don’t use them). Stirchley Library could easily last another 100 years serving the community.
Right now we could all do with a bit more non-fiction and let the Librarians run the Libraries.
Find out more about Birmingham Loves Libraries , People’s Heritage Co-operative and Arts Forum Selly Oak.
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