We need to seek out funding streams that might support the work of the centre and would welcome suggestions, advice and consultancy from anyone who has experience, knowledge and expertise in this area. Our impacts will include: Community Cohesion Networking, Learning and Resource Sharing Sustainable Living Happy Humans Comment here to make suggestions or express […]
We want to create a short viral video promoting happier transportation. We have a concept involving using ‘found’ footage (i.e. excerpts from existing online videos) , a voice over and possibly a video shoot to produce the final ‘reveal’ shot. This will be a right funny video, that will spread like wild-butter. We are looking […]

Today all at the centre attended the March for Hope, to celebrate what would have been the fourteenth birthday of Hope Fennell, killed on a pedestrian crossing by a lorry last year. The campaign website is at www.liveinhope.net and a Birmingham City Council e-petition is here Although the reason for this event was a tragic […]
Day Four: Personal Space
I didn’t plan to spend yesterday out in Kings Heath talking to people, but it turned out to be hugely useful and rewarding. I read through my mission statement at the end of the day, this would be the mission statement that I wrote on Day One and revised on Day Two, and I realised […]

On the rooftops of my block. Chilling with the ipod. Bliss. I am above the world. I can overlook the world. I am away from everyone. I can delve through my thoughts without interruption. No one knows I am there, I’m not allowed up there – its exciting. It’s dangerously high but I feel […]
Day Three : Talking Space

How many times a day do you talk to a stranger? If you work in a shop, a bar, a call-centre, a hospital, (and the list goes on) if your role at work is public facing (bus driver) then you will speak to strangers all the time, and they will speak to you (tour guide) […]
Day Two – Head space

On Sunday I was on a train, travelling back to Birmingham from The Centre for Alternative Technology where I had been attending The Emergence Summit 2012. I was talking to a fellow delegate, who’s name I wish I had asked, who told me that; ‘Ideas need to be cut down regularly, like weeds.’ This was […]
Our first mission
This is my first day as Head of Science here at the centre, although to be honest I’ve been told that my job title is a work in progress and may be revised in the near future. The role is somewhat daunting, not only because my job description my vary wildly as a function of time, but […]
We are interested in investigating what spaces we require for survival, fulfilment and happiness. Specifically, we are challenging our own assumption that as a family of five, we NEED a four bedroomed house. We are not developing any kind of vehicle or device for observing or traveling beyond our natural habitat and we would welcome […]