OK, so you’re interested in playing out. What next? Well it’s remarkably easy, and following the last two years of ‘Playing out’ in Birmingham we’ve built a lot of support within the Council, across Moseley and Kings Heath, and across Birmingham. There are a few simple steps to follow, and we will support you to make sure all the correct procedures are carried out in good time.
We’re supporting streets closing between 1st of June and 9th August within Birmingham. In order to do this you’ll need to send an expression of interest by 8th May to [email protected] including:
- The road you are planning to close (and description of which part, if appropriate
- The date(s) and times you are proposing to close the street
- The street coordinator (a named contact)
- Contact details of the street coordinator, ideally including a mobile number and email, to share with other street organisers
- Any special requirements (i.e. negotiate bus diversion, unusual activities planned, specific instructions for road block etc.)
You’ll also need to deliver letters to houses affected by the your planned closure(s) by 23rd May. You can base this letter on this sample first letter. Active Parks have offered to print these, and will also confirm that your street is suitable for closure, and ask you to complete this short form.
You will then have permission from Birmingham City Council, and Active Parks will contact Amey, the council’s highways contractor, to arrange road closure at the day and time you need it.
You will need to send a second letter to your neighbours to confirm the closures – again Active Parks have offered to print these for you, based on this second letter template. All the planning is now in place, and you’re all ready to go!